In the Know #53

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Our free "In the Know" newsletter is published and delivered via email several times a year.

Topics include Health & Training Tips, Genetics, New Research Findings, Socialization and many others.

If you're a dog breeder or enthusiast you should sign up for our newsletter. Your email address is never sold or shared.

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The following is intended to raise awareness levels, not to prescribe treatment.  

Four Surprising Signs - Your Dog Needs a Vet

  1. Bad breath:  Generally a sign of bacteria buildup of plaque which can affect the heart.
  2. Changes in behavior. Accidents, growls at the kids and potty accidents are symptoms of urinary tract or kidney issues.
  3. Dandruff: Dry, dull or flaky coat could mean diet problems or under active thyroid.
  4. Drinking more water: Unless it’s hot, check for: kidneys, diabetes or hyperthyroidism.

Stick Dog Pedigree Software

This new software includes three pedigrees:

  1. Traditional pedigree with names, titles and certifications
  2. Stick Dog Pedigree which codes the seven structural traits of conformation
  3. Symbols Pedigree which codes health, dreaded diseases and special traits of interest.  

A User Manual provides step by step instructions.

Choosing the Best Puppy

This remains the most important of the eight breeder skills. One study showed that over 60% of the top-winning dogs in most breeds were not owned by their breeders. This suggests a lack of skill and know-how. The best ways to choose puppies and reduce errors in now available in a DVD called "Choosing the Best Puppy".

Feel Lucky

You may never win a lottery but we will reward five lucky winners in a free drawing.

Enter our Road Warrior Contest, between now and March 15, 2016 for a chance to win.

First place will receive: "Breeding Dogs to Win" and DVD’s "Breeding Better Dogs" and "Choosing the Best Puppy". Second thru fifth place will receive "Breeding Dogs to Win" and the documentary video "WAR Dogs" narrated by Martin Sheen.


Honeybees are the critical pollinators for much of the world’s food crops. They are dying at an alarming rate. Nearly 1/3 of our food supply is in danger which includes nuts, fruits and vegetables. Pollinators make possible an astounding 35% of global food production. Unfortunately the number honeybee colony in the US has declined and US beekeepers have lost over 42% of their colonies. Only a few of the major retailers are removing bee killing pesticides from their store shelves. More than 20 states have passed measures to limit or ban neonicotinoids. Breeders, kennel owners and shelters that spray pesticides need to check to see if they are using bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides. Neonicotinoid pesticides are the leading contributor behind the bee colony collapse.


Learn about two new seminars: "Structure, Movement and Pedigree Analysis"  which focuses on learning how to recognize good structure and movement and how to teach your hands to see what your eyes can’t.  "Making of a Super Dog"  focuses on how to produce outstanding dogs that are smarter and more trainable than others with stronger heart beats, more tolerance to stress and greater resistance to disease. Both seminars include the uses of nutrition, maternal influence, record keeping and management. Listen to my synopsis of each seminar.


Dog owners and public need to know about HR 1599 which will soon be voted on by your US Senators. This law specifically states that foods and products containing GMO do not have to be labeled.  According to the legislators . This legislation removes the rights of the states to regulate any of the matters proposed. HR 1599 was introduced by Mike Pompeo, from the State of Kansas. You can find out how your State Representative voted by going to: There is more about this bill at the web site is: Contact your US Senator and ask them to vote "NO" for HR 1599.

Low Calorie diets – longer life for dogs

Recent studies found that dogs would age less and live nearly two years longer if they eat less. The 14-year long study by Nestle Purina PetCare Co. involved 48 Labrador  Retrievers from seven litters. Dogs were paired off, with one fed 25 % less than its siblings starting at 8 weeks of age.  The thinner dogs lived for a median 13 years and had fewer diseases compared to their all-you–can eat partners, which lived for a median 11.2 years.  Scientists have long known that calorically restricted rodents live up to 40% longer than usual. One theory is that coloric restriction causes metabolic shifts that affect the rate of aging by slowing down some of the metabolic processes that cause cell damage that leads to disease. The same effect is likely to hold for humans,

Continuing Education

This free Newsletter is subscribed to by more than 10,000 dog lovers who read our articles, these newsletters and attend our seminars. If you do not see a seminar near your residence, ask your club to host one. They meet AKC’s annual education requirement.

Keys to Success

There are volumes of information available on most subjects, which is why we believe that “Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't.”