In the Know #46

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Our free "In the Know" newsletter is published and delivered via email several times a year.

Topics include Health & Training Tips, Genetics, New Research Findings, Socialization and many others.

If you're a dog breeder or enthusiast you should sign up for our newsletter. Your email address is never sold or shared.

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Dear Reader

This newsletter supports those interested in continuing education for breeders. Your friends can also get this newsletter by subscribing here.

The Power of Breeder Tools and Skills

The published Bloat Study (GVD) involving 5,000 breeders examined the risk facts for bloat. Findings show that the lifetime risk of developing GDV (bloat) is 24% in large-breed show dogs and 21.6% in giant-breed show dogs. Risk factors include: personality, fearful or aggressive behavior towards strangers, and environmental changes were associated with an increased risk of GDV. A decreased risk was found when diets were supplemented with eggs or fish. Differences were found between show dogs and non-show dogs. The published article may be requested by contacting us. An emergency Bloat Kit is recommended for all breeders. Order one from our online store.

Making of the Super Dog

This new seminar incorporates how the new technologies and uses of pedigree analysis, nutrition and management are producing these wonderful dogs. Super dog has been added to the list of seminars.

Seminar DVD’s

Breeding Better Dogs is a tool and resource for breeders. Choosing the Best Puppy is a step by step program. Over 60% of the best dogs in a breed are not owned by their breeder. Reason ... lack of knowledge.

War Dogs Documentary Video

The War Dogs Documentary is Narrated by Martin Sheen, it depicts an amazing saga of the heroic dogs who served in the Vietnam War. We have a limited supply. You pay only shipping and postage.

Health & Genetics

The following information is intended to raise awareness levels, not to prescribe medical treatment or offer self diagnosis. Responsible breeders should be aware of these health concerns and try to eliminate them.

The health of owners, breeders and handlers is a subject often ignored by writers. In the publication “Optimal Health University”, it was reported that artichokes are packed with fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other essential minerals that are useful for promoting liver health particularly among heavy alcohol drinkers and those exposed to other toxins. In the Journal of Foodborne Pathogens and Disease (2009 -6:129-36) a study showed that radishes provide resistant pathogens against antibacterial organisms and that spinach was a powerful health booster against cancer, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, osteoporosis and other ailments. (Journal of Nutrition 2001:131:3303-6.

Working Dog Center Seminar

The Working Dog Center opened, Tuesday, September 11, 2012, on the University of Pennsylvania’s Grey’s Ferry campus in Philadelphia.

The center is searching for puppies to enroll in our Puppy Foundation training program. All dogs will be tracked throughout their career as the goal is to advance the health and wellness of canines. Contact Sarah Griffith, Assistant Director, or 215-898-2211.

AKC Facts

In 1983 the Working Group was divided into the Herding and the Working group.

Continuing Education

This free Newsletter is subscribed to by more than 10,000 dog lovers who read our articles, these newsletters and attend our seminars. If you do not see a seminar near your residence, ask your club to host one. They meet AKC’s annual education requirement.

Keys to Success

There are volumes of information available on most subjects, which is why we believe that “Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't.”

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