In the Know #66

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Our free "In the Know" newsletter is published and delivered via email several times a year.

Topics include Health & Training Tips, Genetics, New Research Findings, Socialization and many others.

If you're a dog breeder or enthusiast you should sign up for our newsletter. Your email address is never sold or shared.

Year Published: 


Summer Ideas

Inside This Issue

  • Summer Heat brings dog flu and kennel cough risks
  • AKC Dog Detection Task Force Conference for breeders
  • New AKC Certified 3-Generation Export Pedigree
  • Low Calorie diets – longer life for dogs
  • Continuing Education – new articles
  • Pedigree Software.
  • Choosing the Best Puppy
  • Early Neurological Stimulation
  • New AKC Certified 3-Geration Export Pedigree

Summer Heat Brings Dog Flu & Kennel Cough Risks

Pathogen offers better ways to protest your dogs in the summer heat and lower the risk of the flu and kennel cough.

For more information:
   Website: Pathogend GA
   Facebook: Pathogend GA
   YouTube: Pathogend GA

AKC Dog Detection Task Force Conference for Breeders

August 27-29, 2019 at Durham NC. This is the third conference of the stakeholders. To attend go to: AKC Dog Detection Taskforce

New AKC Certified 3-Genreration Export Pedigree

Contains all of the information required to obtain registration with foreign kennel clubs. Makes safer and easier to register dogs abroad, especially helpful for exhibitors who show their dogs in other countries and breeders who sell their dogs overseas. AKC has reciprocal agreements with more than 200 foreign kennel clubs.

Low Calorie diets – Longer Life For Dogs

Recent studies found that dogs would age less and live nearly two years longer if they eat less. The 14-yearlong study starting with dogs at 8 weeks of age shows that thinner dogs live a median of 13 years and had fewer diseases.

Seminars and Continuing Education Make the Difference

New information and scientific findings are helping breeders. The popular seminar "Structure, Movement and Pedigree Analysis" focuses on learning how to recognize good structure and movement and how to use your hands to see what your eyes can’t.

Two new articles have been added to the website:

  • Changing Face of our Enemy
  • Future of the Conformation Sport, Part III

Pedigree Software.

Stickdog Pedigree Software CD LabelA better way to track your breeding's and keep up with your puppies is by using "Stick Dog Pedigree Software". Written for Microsoft Windows it's popular with breeders.

One click of the mouse generates a pedigree with names, titles & certifications, another generates the Stick Dog color coded pedigree with structural traits of conformation. A 3rd click generates the Symbols Pedigree which is used to code health, carriers and affected ancestors. A User Manual provides step by step instructions.

Choosing the Best Puppy - Early Neurological Stimulation

Choosing the best puppy seminar DVD labelChoosing the Best Puppy Seminar on DVD teaches you how to Choose the best Puppies. It also includes instructions on how to stimulate their Neurological System at 3 days of age. An unpublished study shows that breeders are wrong 60% - 70-% of the time.

No method is perfect but this DVD offers a method that works. As a bonus it includes a demonstration of how to stimulate the neurological system of newborn pups.

Our Breeding Better Dogs Website contains more than 70 articles, 65 newsletters and a list of future seminars. If you do not see a seminar near your residence, ask your club to host one. They meet AKC’s annual educational requirements. Listen to the synopsis of each seminar.

Continuing Education

This free Newsletter is subscribed to by more than 10,000 dog lovers who read our articles, these newsletters and attend our seminars. If you do not see a seminar near your residence, ask your club to host one. They meet AKC’s annual education requirement.

Keys to Success

There are volumes of information available on most subjects, which is why we believe that “Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't.”

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