
Junior showmanship Survey Pt 2

The sport called junior showmanship (JRS) had its beginnings in the late 1920’s. In those early days dog shows were considered a "wealthy-man’s sport"and parents arrived at shows in chauffeur-driven limousines. The children who accompanied their parents quickly became bored causing disruptive problems on the show grounds. In response to this, the American Kennel Club (AKC) created children’s handling events to keep them busy.

Junior showmanship Survey Pt 1

In the late 1920’s when dog showing was considered a"wealthy-man’s sport" and parents arrived at shows in chauffeur-driven limousines, children who accompanied their parents became bored and restless, which resulted in a less than ideal show environment. In an effort to control the show environment and not offend the wealthy owners and breeders, Mr. Brumby Sr. of the American Kennel Club (AKC) introduced a special class of competition for these children. The purpose was to provide something of interest and amusement.

Breeders Skills

Breeding the better dogs depends on your learning eight breeder skills. We must remember that it takes one set of skills to breed, another to exhibit and a third set to judge. The eight breeder skills are a necessary part of every breeders education.

Litter Size & Singleton

For those who want to know more about litter size and one puppy litters.

When two or more breeders gather together their conversation often times center on the number of pups born and what might have gone wrong. For years breeders have speculated on why some litters are larger than others. Since most breeders are not trained in biology or in veterinary medicine a review of these questions was addressed.

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